Friday, January 23, 2009

Some bad news....

So this came as a big surprise on Wednesday to us...but Hilton Hotels is moving its headquarters from Beverly Hills to the Washington D.C. area. Obviously, no, we will not be relocating, even if that is an option for Chris, which hasn't been determined yet. They don't announce which jobs will be eligible for that until February, but again it's a moot point.

Check out the story here.

Anyways, so Chris is looking for a new job as we speak, though he will still continue to work at Hilton until the move (probably not for 6 months) or until he finds something new. A lot is up in the air, so we're just putting good vibes (and resumes) out there til we figure it out.

1 comment:

daryn said...

Good vibes, good vibes, good vibes!

I don't know how much my good vibes count right now since my mo-jo is obviously off as of lately...but I'm still sending them. :)

We'll all be one big happy unemployed family when you come to visit! You, Tami, shall be our sugar daddy for the weekend, you job holder you!

PS. I'm not opposed to taking a job in DC if you guys are going to be there...just food for thought! teeheehee