Thursday, January 8, 2009

I'm sick...

Yeah, sorry I haven't blogged this week...I went home sick from work yesterday and am out again today. Feeling like I have a bad cold - nothing serious but I'm trying to rest and get it over as quickly as possible.

Since I haven't been doing much there's not a whole lot to report...though I will comment a bit about coming back to LA from the East Coast. It's an annual thing I go through when I come home from visiting everyone back east...I just start to see things about home and about the winter season that I wish I could have in my life here too. I sometimes see a life there with a family and in an old Colonial home and feel a bit of a pull for that life there. It's strange and it usually subsides when I am back in LA for a few days, but I wonder if it will go away eventually. I also wonder sometimes if I can figure out a way to have both...hmmm.

Anyways, I'm going back to sleep now.


Twofrogs said...

BOOO I didn't know you were sick, that sucks.

Tami said...

yah- came down with a cold this week and was home sick wednesdy afternoon and yesterday. boo- think it means my weekend is going to suck