Monday, January 26, 2009

SAG awards- The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

Last night was the Annual SAG Awards, an affair that the actors typically say is much more fun for them than other award shows...namely b/c they're all actors and they're honoring each other. Whatever.

My favorite moment of the night was Meryl Streep winning and coming up to receive her award in black pants, her hair in a ponytail with a barrette and saying "I didn't even buy a dress!!" You know for sure that she wasn't expecting to win and that's always a fun time to watch someone be so pleased and genuinely excited.

Now for the are some of my favorites.....One of my favorites for sure was Kate Winslet- I think for one reason, she's a curvy woman and wearing this dress to accentuate them is marvelous! show it off and give other women with some hips the courage to do so!! Though admittedly, this straight-on camera angle is not the best... (and p.s.her boobs also looked great)

Now a lot of people say that Claire Danes is a bit can anyone think that looking at her in this number? I love her and think she is stunning!

Okay, Marissa's dress was great...but I thought she needed earrings.

I thought Emily Blunt's dress was gorgeous, but her hair was decidedly plain and didn't work with the dress....and no jewelry? why? i don't get it....

And here are some that I thought just missed the mark...Marcia Cross' dress didn't seem to go with her coloring....Teri Hatcher's seemed to be too much material for her, no?
I didn't like Eva Longoria's look at all...there's too much frilly stuff happening (there's a ton on the back you don't see here). America's dress I actually am on the fence about... What do you guys think? Jenna Fischer's dress seems to be ill-fitting and her chest is accentuated in a strange way

Angelina's dress is something I'm definitely on the fence looked comfortable and actually relatively elegant when she was walking....but now seeing photos of it, kind of drab, no?

And Mickey Rourke continues to wear the most hideous tuxes out big surprise


Tech Blogger said...

Also, special props to Christina Applegate for showing the world you can still be glamarous and beautiful after surviving breast cancer.

Crooked Grins said...

I notice your conscious attempt to include some non-strapless dresses in your list of favorites. congrats for branching out.

MERYL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I screamed with delight for her. She's just awesome.

Marisa - needed to wear some make-up. she looked pale - like maybe she'd had the flu.

Marcia Cross - give her a break. her husband has cancer.

How can omit Susan Sarandon and those damn saggy boobs of hers still not hoisted up?

How can you omit Katie Holmes and her deflated, unsupported tits with the crooked nipples? And, btw, why did SHE present for the final award of the night??

Tina Fey has finally learned how to wear make-up, but that dress....????? Did nothing for her figure.

Kyra Sedgwick is gorgeous. I love looking at her. No botox, perfect body, radiates joy, aging beautifully.

What's wrong with Anthony Hopkins? Is he sick? He looked unwell?

I want to hear more about James Earl Jones living in silence for 12 years!

I liked America's dress. I didn't like Teri's dress. I didn't like Emily's dress. I didn't like Mickey's tux. I didn't like Frank Langella begrudgingly having to stand when Sean Penn won and got his ovationn (although did Sean basically narrow down the Oscar battle to him and Mickey? - kinda rude). I thought Amy Poehler was hilarious. I thought Steve Carrel in the opening was fabu.

But basically the entire night for me was about Meryl. Genuine, real, fun, always a class act and the best actress ever.

Tami said...

Agreed Dave - very sensitive of you to notice.

And marmar - Susan Sarandon is just a foregone conclusion in terms of looking terrible. When was the last time she dressed appropriately?

I did forget Katie Holmes and the weird crooked nipples...that was bizarre. I didn't hate the outfit in general but man- she's way too skinny now and clearly has no chest. very sad.

I didn't mind Tina Fey's dress- it fell in the middle for me.

I don't remember Kyra Sedgwick's dress but I do like her in general.

Loved Amy Poehler and John Krasinski's bit...very funny.

Sean Penn's speech made very little sense and I wasn't sure if he was referring to a previous skirmish he and Rourke had had or not.