Monday, January 12, 2009

GG Wrap-Up

At the Golden Globes last night, there were really only 3 (maybe 4) big surprises in terms of wins and I must say there were only a few hideous dresses....but it was still a really fun show and it's nice to have them back this year. So to the wrap-up....

Awards first- Fashion second.

Kate Winslet - Looking gorgeous and winning BOTH awards she was up for. Virtually unheard of!! It's about time this screen goddess was awarded for all her talents and amazing performances. I thought her speeches could have been a bit better but she did seem genuinely shocked and moved, and she is just so darn likeable. (especially compared with Angelina, who looked miserable and pissed off during Kate's speech, as well as denying Ryan Seacrest on the red carpet, which is just rude)

Another surprise win was for Mickey although this is a big comeback story for him and a lot of people have been talking about Mickey, I think a majority of people believed Sean Penn had the award locked up (and people think the same so far for Oscar) for playing Harvey Milk. Mickey showed up in appropriately bizarre clothing and gave a nice speech - I was happy for him. THE WRESTLER is definitely worth seeing, btw.

Beating out the favored Anne Hathaway for her role in RACHEL GETTING MARRIED, was Sally Hawkins - an apparently anorexic actress from England - for her performance in HAPPY-GO-LUCKY, another Mike Leigh movie that didn't really play in US theaters. It was disturbing seeing how thin her arms were! EEK!

Now I wouldn't necessarily call this a big surprise for the night because it was a category I doubt a lot of people were paying much attention to, but Colin Farrell's win for IN BRUGES seemed to catch him by surprise. It's a shame that he didn't clean himself up a bit and deliver an eloquent speech considering it's been rumored he and his agents are trying to clean up his image a bit so that the majority of the public doesn't seem him as quite the dirty, bad boy that he has been in previous years...especially since it's affecting his ability to get roles.

Obviously SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE was the big winner of the night with Best Picture, Best Director, Screenplay, Score, etc etc. I was sad that FROST/NIXON didn't win anything, but considering this is an international group voting AND it seems that SLUMDOG has all the momentum, I am not surprised. Besides, F/N isn't as sexy a choice either, which is understandable.
30 ROCK and Tina Fey won - yay! I just started watching this show and am really enjoying who doesn't love Tina Fey?!
For a complete list of winners, click here.


The worst first....Renee Zellweger! oof - what was she thinking?!

Next up...Drew Barrymore's hair...Yikes! Plus she and Jessica Lange were acting really weird and I would normally suspect drug use, but isn't Drew totally clean now?!! Wha happened?

Other dresses that were just bad or in some cases hideous...see below...

There were certainly others that I was not a huge fan of (Evan Rachel Wood, America Ferrera and Blake Lively), and others that I was on the fence with (Maggie Gyllenhaal, Jennifer Lopez and Cameron Diaz) but there were (as always!) some real are some of my favorites...


daryn said...

I just posted my fashion hits and misses and, after reading your post, I see I missed some! So thanks Tami for being much more thorough than me...this is why we are friends.

I totally missed Laura Dern's dress but GOOD GOD. That thing is hideous!

And is that Jennifer Morrison from House in the blue dress? She looks amazing!

Tami said...

OMG I loooove that blue dress- it is such a beautiful shade...and she's obv gorgeous.
Yeah- I kind of spent my morning at work doing all this and trying to remember what I liked and hated...oops! but at least it's kind of related to my job, right? uhhh

Crooked Grins said...

So basically you like strapless dresses. And pretty much nothing else (most especially anorexic actresses, super hot Irish bad boys and Jon Voight's spawn).

As for Drew and Jessica...I think they were trying to take a nod from their characters in Grey Gardens since that is what they were promoting. I personally really liked Drew. Very Marilyn Monroe.

Funniest person: Ricky Gervais
Worst presenter duo banter: Kirk and Spock
Most embarrassing off-screen moment caught on-screen: Jeff Zucker cleaning out his ear with his finger.

Biggest question of the night still yet to be answered: What is Tracy Morgan's gripe with Cate Blanchett????

Tami said...

That's not true....Demi's wasn't strapless. HA! Take that!

The Cate Blanchett comment was a bit weird...but I thought it may have been that she's like the whitest girl ever or something to that effect...?

Btw - I couldn't believe Sasha Baron Cohen didn't get more laughs..I thought his jokes were pretty funny