Sunday, November 9, 2008

Signs you're getting older....

Saturday morning I drove down to Orange County to meet up with my mom-in-law for our annual shopping trip to the Sugar Plum Arts & Crafts festival - essentially it's a big holiday decorations and gifts bonanza! (see photos on the right- a huge warehouse at the Orange County fairgrounds that is filled with rows and rows of vendors...everything from ornaments to plates to wreaths, etc etc. It's fabulous! And as you can imagine, Chris is always nervous about how much stuff I come home with.)

Afterward, I drove back and met up with my friend Nicholas for dinner at James Beach restaurant & bar in Venice. So much fun! There's two sections of the place- an indoor area that's a bit nicer and posh, and an "outdoor" part that's much more low key (I use quotes b/c it's it's open air but it feels like you are still covered). After we ate, we moved to the upstairs bar and a bunch of Nick's friends joined us. We took shots, drank for an hour or two and then I went on a search and recover mission. I wandered through the crowd to find some fun, cute ladies for the gentlemen to meet - and I must say, I did not disappoint. Seriously, I rule as a wingman...however, I'm getting a bit old to drink so much....(see below)
When I got home at 2am, I woke Chris up and made him get me some water, etc. As I laid in bed, he said to me, "Just please don't get sick honey." I apparently replied, "I don't want to think about getting sick...I'll think about Twilight instead." I am such a loser.


daryn said...

I thought Twilight was getting "put to bed" (see previous blog entry). Poor Chris will never be free, will he?? :)

PS. Major props on the partying like a rockstar AND getting xmas decorations. You are the ultimate Renaissance woman, Tami!

Twofrogs said...

You are really the biggest dork in the whole world. I think that may make you the most attractive woman on the planet. So you win that one.

Tami said...

lol. umm, thank you?