Friday, November 14, 2008

Partying like it's 2002.....

So back during senior year at Brown, some of my friends and I made a pact that we would go out every Thursday night no matter what. And we kept to it....I even completed my thesis early enough on the Thursday before it was due in time to go out to our beloved GCB (Grad Center Bar for the non-brownies). Post-college, this Thursday night fun continued for a little while b/c it didn't seem a big deal to be out late and hangovers on work days didn't bother me....times changed of course....and bedtime got a lot earlier on school nights.

However, last night I went to El Guapo for tracking board drinks (a.k.a. networking type stuff), which can often be more of a chore than true fun....but last night was awesmoe! I totally stayed out til 1am as if I were still 21/22. The night started out with about twelve of us, kind of hanging out, chatting about our board's leader moving to Texas and getting out of the business. As the night went on and we dwindled down to 5, things got a bit crazier. There was a really fun guy from Boston there, who as he spoke, let his accent come out into full force. There were no "r"s left in his speech anywhere by night's end. This is the same guy that when we were talking about the movie THE DREAMERS (a steamy number directed by Bertolucci starring Eva Green), gave me the nickname DFP when I mentioned there were more naked guys than naked girls in it....I believe his comment came about in this fashion...."yeah, if you like dual flacid penises." Everyone bust up and now I am being called DFP on one my work boards....sigh. not good.
Though I did end up telling this dude he would be Chewbacca instead of Han Solo when we were discussing that (I don't remember why), but somehow it doesn't quite have the same effect as DFP.

Anyways, it was a great night and I got to know some of my colleagues really well and managed to hold my own even when all the other girls had left. I think I challenged one to beer pong and another to poker at some point....we shall see.


Twofrogs said...

I'm going to tell the Mattman. 'DFP' totally trumps 'Tinkles'

Tami said...

Ha ha!! i guess it does kind of demolish Tinkles....