Wednesday, November 5, 2008

It's all coming up Obama!!

Hip Hip Hooray!! We can all rest easy now....and hope that change really is coming.Expectations will be high and it will be immensely interesting and frustrating, and agonizing in some ways, as we watch to see if Obama can live up to what we are all hoping for - a new America for us at home and abroad.

Last night, Chris, Sage, Jeff and I tried to get into the big Hyatt Century City party to celebrate and "be a part" of it all. However, we quickly realized we might miss everything while waiting in line, so we drove really fast to get home and watched McCain's resignation speech and Obama's celebration speech, as well as coverage on the returns, together.

We were surprised to feel a bit more emotion from McCain than from the new President Elect. Was it just us or did he seem almost more sincere and genuine in his words than Obama? I wondered aloud, and it seems we all agreed, if Obama was just tired. I am sure that his grandmother passing away just before the election took an intense emotional toll on him, during a time when nerves must be fraught with tension and anticipation as is. I felt like his speech was a campaign speech more than a celebratory "We did it!!" moment that I was so hoping for. Though towards the end, I felt like he capitalized on everyone's joy and managed to come out with some great lines, and I liked that he spoke about the 106 year-old woman, who has seen so much change. More than I imagine any of us will in our lifetime. (And I liked that he told his girls they earned the new puppy- HA! that was awesome.)

And election elation is mixed with regret that Californians voted "yes" on Prop 8 (which, for any non-Cali people reading this, eliminates gay marriage in our state). It's hard to believe that anyone really feels they have the right to say "no" to someone else when it comes to this. I can't believe that people don't have bigger things on their minds and bigger issues to worry about than if two men or two women want to make a lifelong committment to one another. It's frustrating to me and it's just ridiculous.

However, going back to the big election. I quite sincerely thank God that America pulled it together :)


daryn said...

The first thing I said to Chip at the beginning on Obama's acceptance speech was "Wow, he just looks exhausted...", which, I can imagine, is probably true. I wonder what kind of puppy is going to be running around the White House?? Let's hope it's not one of those purse/Paris Hilton dogs! :)

And yes, being an American this morning is so awesome, yet being a Californian kinda sucks. Yesterday was all about bittersweet victories.

Tami said...

I agree- I feel really bad for all my friends that worked so hard on the "No on 8" campaign....2% is hard to lose by. I suppose it's some comfort that everyone's not crazy but I feel like coming so close and losing is also heartbreaking.

Twofrogs said...

I love the red white blue font action at the top of the post. I agree that his acceptance speech wasn't the climactic speech sunburst that I was expecting from him after being such a consistantly amazing speaker. However, I will say, that if he had come out pumping his fist and crying happy tears, that may have been huge in the "sore winner column." So I'll just stay satisfied with the tail end of his speech last night, and with my fond memories of this speech: