Thursday, November 6, 2008

America's "Progress"....?

Sure, we did elect an African-American man to become the next President of the United States. But looking at other measures that passed on Tuesday (and some that didn't, but still managed to get on the ballot in the first place!!) still show how far we have to go as a country.

Obviously, Proposition 8 is the one I am the most angry about. Stopping gay couples from being able to marry is beyond reprehensible in my estimation. Marriage in this current day and age is no longer an across-the-board religious and sacred institution. It's been flaunted by straight couples for many, many years- marrying in Vegas on a drunken whim, for example. Or, just take a peek at divorce rates!! People get divorced and re-married all the time- multiple times in fact!! How exactly does any of that translate to marriage being a religious sacrament to be preseved? I mean, I believe that my marriage is and that my marriage is extremely sacred- but that's MY business. Historically, weren't marriages in fact most often in essence land deals? When fathers would sell their daughters off? So they haven't always been about "family values", as so many people like to tout..... And what ABOUT the Mormons, who were strongly behind Prop 8? I think a lot of "traditional" family values are against the kind of marriage they allow and practice?
And furthermore, what gives ANY of us the right to tell someone else that what WE believe is more important than what THEY believe. Isn't that the whole f*ng point of America from the beginning? TOLERANCE!! Isn't that the ideal that we've struggled to adhere to during this country's history? I'm not a fool- I understand that America has never actually adhered to that principle (slavery, civil rights, women's rights, gay rights, etc), but I'm tired of everyone singing from the rooftops that by electing Obama we've proved we're progressive and forward-thinking people!! Maybe we took a baby step, but we have so far to go.

Right now in Arkansas, if you're not married- you cannot adopt a child. This is designed to target gay couples, but had to be worded so as to include same-sex couples. Do we really believe that marriage is what makes a stable home to grow up in?? PLEASE- ask any social worker and they'll tell you that across the board, across every socioeconomic level, across all races, LOVE is what matters in a home. Loving your children; paying attention to them; being involved in their lives. Plenty of straight parents are awful parents. It's not sexual orientation that determines your ability to love someone- including a child.

This all just disgusts me. (As do the similar measures in Florida and Arizona banning gay marriage.) Sigh- I know I'm preaching and I'm on my soapbox, etc - but seriously, I cannot understand people sometimes. Believe what you want to believe and don't try to control other people's lives. A government's job is to keep us safe, protecting us from outside threats, as well as each other - basically providing us with a country that we can all live in peacefully while we pursue life, liberty and happiness. Exactly how does gay marriage interfere with that?


Lindsey Anthony-Bacchione said...

I hear you. All this bullshit about protecting the sanctity of marriage when the divorce rates in this country are through the roof and we have advertisements for people seeking affairs, like Ashley Madison. I always try to hear the other side but I really don't see how allowing gay people to get married would affect the lives of those who oppose it. They say things like "save the children," which is infuriating. if a child is being loved and brought up in a loving home, what does it matter how that home is defined. i am still elated at the election of Barack Obama and am very proud of the huge step this country has just taken and i think it is okay to bask in that victory. But it is true, that gay rights have a long way to come and unfortunately the passing of Prop 8 is another reminder of how repressive American society still is. There is a lot of work to be done, but in time, love will prevail because it must.It is stronger than hate and I have to believe that one day I will live in a country that is fearless-one that truly embraces freedom and personal liberties, one that recognizes the rights of ALL of its citizens and one that will be ruled by the love for one another rather than this fearful blind love for a questionable "prophet" that lived over 2,000 years ago. And while I'm on the topic, was it not that questionable prophet who said "Do unto others as you would have done unto you?" WAKE UP!!!
-lindsey "tony" anthony

Tami said...

Hey are right that we are moving in the right direction and that eventually, this country will get there. A friend asked last night why civil rights and gay rights are not connected for most people....and I think it's based solely in religion. Some people believe that being gay is an affront to God and while many of the same people may have believed that African-Americans weren't as good as white people, they were still never an affront to Him. Know what I mean? I think it's going to take a long time for those faith-based prejudices to be pushed aside. And that leads to a whole separate discussion about why religion, when it's meant to teach us about love and faith and doing the right thing, can divide so many people and cause so much hate? Sigh.

daryn said...

I'm going to be much less eloquent that both of you above me and just say: