Monday, February 23, 2009

Oscar night addendums...

As I think of things from last night, I'll just keep adding them here...

Funny tidbit - Brad Pitt was cracking up and almost falling out of his seat when Robert DeNiro said that line to Sean Penn, "How did Sean Penn play straight for so many years?" or something like that. It was funny to see that

Also- I was telling Sage that I really didn't think the Apatow comedy thing was that funny...others agree or disagree? I thought the idea was cute but didn't really think the short was all that funny.

oh and Chris totally stepped on Heath Ledger's sister's dress on the way out at the end of the night.

1 comment:

Twofrogs said...

Matt and I thought the Apatow comedy short was funny at the end with the cinemetographer guy being like 'sorry Spielberg, there's not a lot of work right now' or whatever it was he said. The rest of it was only so-so, though, I agree. Kind of like PINEAPPLE EXPRESS.