Sunday, December 7, 2008

Party People

We had our annual holiday party yesterday and as always, it was a blast! Chris and I started prep on Friday night, moving furniture around a bit, making jell-o shots and getting stuff ready for Saturday's bake fest!

I began the day early around 9:30am and got to work immediately. I got to use my new mixer for the first time - and I must say, wow! It works so well and makes all the dough so fast!! - as I prepared peanut butter cookies with chocolate filling, pecan & cranberry tassies (which didn't turn out as well in terms of presentation, but oh well), almond cookies and magic bars. Chris made hummus from scratch, crostinis for dipping, guacamole and we has a bunch of other snacks assembled too.

Sage and Jeff came over a bit early and so we toasted the night with some champagne as guests began to arrive. While we had a slightly lower turnout than last year, still over 40 people showed up! We managed not to get any red wine on the new couch - a very good thing! - and only one jell-o shot spillage....but our carpet's been destroyed for so long, we don't care.

About 2:30 I think the last stragglers headed home and we crashed. I say "I think" b/c I was pretty hammered by the end of the night, the jell-o shots having done their job. Around 9:00am this morning, I woke up and though I was going to die. I managed to will myself back to sleep after having some water and advil, and awoke once more at 12:30. I felt much much better but the rest of the day was spent lounging, drifting in and out of sleep and eventually cleaning up. I was in the mood to do so little and think so little, I even watched Britney Spears' documentary "For the Record" on MTV for an hour and a half...even the cats got into the laziness of the day, as well as trying to get their hands on some leftover. :)

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