Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Beth's visit

My good friend from Brown, Beth Johnson, is in town this week visiting her sister (very preggie sister! yay Sarah!) and her husband Josh for the holidays. Since they are both still working and I am not (woohoo!), I got to steal Beth and spend the day shopping and catching up. We ventured to the Grove, which I am typically not a fan of, but today wasn't too busy early in the day despite it being prime holiday shopping time. It seemed to be picking up when we left around 3, so I was glad to get out before it became a madhouse.

We spent the rest of the afternoon chatting at my apartment over some Starbucks and holiday cookies. It's always so fun and refreshing to be around old friends, who, despite the distances and time in between visits, are as easy to talk to as if you saw them yesterday. Beth in particular is such a sunny person to be around, it's hard for her not to brighten your day with her easy smile and hearty laughs!

And now tomorrow it's already Christmas Eve! How did that happen? I feel like 2008 has flown by extraordinarily fast! I know a lot of that had to do with the wedding and the planning, which made things a bit crazy, but still! It makes me want to try and take more time in the coming year for days like today, where I wasn't running specific errands and trying to do 3 or 4 things at once...today was a nice, breath of fresh air - a time when I was able to just enjoy hanging out with someone without worrying about what wasn't being done or what time it is. While this is a tall order to try and repeat all the time, since weekends are so precious, it's something to strive for.

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