Thursday, June 18, 2009

Nephew love

So during my trip back east, I got to spend an afternoon with my nephew when Tom & Rebekah brought him down to visit Mom, Dad and me in good ole Guilford. Eric's currently 4 months shy of being 3 years old and it's amazing to me how much he's talking and how big he is!! I took a couple of videos - the first of me trying to get him to say "Hi, Uncle Chris" on video - I was mildly successful, as you can hear him say "unk crisss" twice - and the second trying to get him to count, which he's very good at, but he's having none of it.

In fact, it's funny b/c he really has no interest in having his photo taken these days. He likes to close his eyes at you instead. I managed to get a couple of snap shots, but not many.

You'll see he's holding this purple caterpillar toy, which is mine from childhood and sat on the end of my bed for years. Every time he comes to my parents' house, he runs into my bedroom to grab it. Incidentally, it's a toy that my brother won for me at a fair when I was really young. I also introduced Eric to my plush Guilford Indians soccer ball...not the best choice, since he kept wanting to throw it around the house. Whoops!

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