Monday, June 22, 2009

Good Day Sunshine!

Alright LA! It appears that the worst of the "June Gloom" may be behind us! It was bright, sunny and beautiful this morning when we woke up. Chris and I remarked how much easier it was to get out of bed, despite it being a Monday morning!

So, I get up- am feeling great. I think, and even say outloud to Chris, "I think that this is a great day to get back on the horse at work and stop feeling so lethargic and bored. The sun is shining! Here we go!" I then get dressed and head to my 8am physical therapy appointment like always....and as I am about to park, I realize that oops- my appt isn't at 8am. It's at 9:30 today!! Sigh. So much for my big start....instead I start Monday morning realizing I'm a moron.

haha. Just thought I'd share that tidbit with you. But despite being an hour and a half early, I at least made good use of the time, going to my own gym for an hour and then doing some errands. I'm still on my full energy, kick ass, sunshine kick!

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