Monday, March 2, 2009

Weekend Update

I've been pretty bad about posting this past week, mainly because it was just busy but also because I got either a 24 hour bug or food poisoning on Thursday and was a mess. Ugh! I was in a lot of pain and was so tired on Friday because of it. But we managed to pull it together for a nice weekend...

Friday night, we went to see a newly re-mastered print of THE GODFATHER, which was showing at the artsy theater on Montava Avenue in Santa Monica. We heard about the showing from some new peeps that we met and have hung out with - Cole and Lindsay. The story goes...Cole is a writer that I met and am now working with on something, and when I mentioned that I worked at Imagine, he said my girlfriend Lindsay's good friend Anna works there. "Anna Culp?", I say. She's a great friend of mine! So we all go out last Wednesday night for dinner and drinks (including Chris) and it turns out that Lindsay's best friend and sorority sister is one of Chris' bosses at Hilton! No joke! What even makes it a smaller world is that this woman doesn't live in LA! She works out of Chicago for Hilton. How crazy!

Anyway, on Wedneday night they mention this showing of THE GODFATHER, which is one of chris and my favorite movies of all time, and we have never seen on the big screen. When we get there, it's totally sold out and packed - the movie has staying power, to say the least. What was even better about it, was that a bunch of parents had brought their kids to experience the cinematic masterpiece. Awesome! (though one of them sitting behind us said "eww" when Appollonia's boobs are shown onscreen...ha ha. it was hilarious)

Saturday was a beautiful day in Los Angeles - 80 degree weather and not a cloud in the sky. Chris and I decided to get out of the house and go for a we drove up the PCH along the coast, cut through Malibu on Decker Canyon Road, switched to Mulholland Highway and spent about 2 hours + driving the twisty, winding was so beautiful! For anyone not in California, sometime you are here, we should do this drive. For awhile you can see the ocean behind you as you climb the hills, and then you're suddenly hidden inside some of California's most unexpected beauty. Seriously! It's so green and hidden away...amazing.

Sat night we went to dinner and a movie with Sage and Jeff. Though we saw CORALINE and it was not very exciting, we had a great time catching up and hanging out with as usual.

Sunday was an okay day, as I had a bit of a meltdown when I got really frustrated with some stuff we were doing around the house. I took a walk to blow off steam and then Chris and I had a good night just hanging out, working and watching THE AMAZING RACE.


Twofrogs said...

The part about you having to take a walk to blow off steam is my favorite. It totally sounds like me. I think if I didn't throw at least one temper tantrum per weekend Matt would wonder if I was sick.

Tami said...

ha ha. yeah, I was like...ummm I could pick a fight with chris or I could take a walk and get over it. Since it was a nice day, i chose the latter. But if it had been raining...?