Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Trouble with Kitties...

So sorry that I have not been blogging much as of late...for one- there hasn't been a ton going on other than work and finally Chris and I had a weekend where we did a lot of nothing. It was so nice considering how much craziness was happening in February. Second, Chris has had the camera tied up at work and my cell phone really doesn't take very good photos of stuff.

Anyways, so the issue with the cats...Butch has been drooling a lot in the last few days, which is an unusual thing for cats. My vet said this means that either a) Butch is so content that he's practically frothing at the mouth and can't be bothered to swallow....b) Butch is really stressed out, which at this time of year can be brought on by other cats in heat either approaching our apartment or meowing in the back alley (which isn't happening)....or c) something's up with his teeth/mouth and it's hurts to swallow. So being the very conscientious mommy that I am, I took him to the vet early this morning. Turns out he has a mild infection thing happening at the back of his mouth. So I leave with some stuff for him and head home...where I assume Sundance is waiting with baited breath for her best friend Butch to come home.

Well, Sundance is waiting...but the minute she gets a whiff of Butch, who apparently smells like the vet now, she starts hissing like a possessed cat! Seriously!! It was insane and poor Butch is like, "What's up Sundance? Why you so mad?" And he keeps trying to approach her; even under the bed, which is the universal "safe zone" for the cats. And then when I try to get to get Sundance, she freaks out and is hissing at me, b/c I, too, must smell like the vet. So I separate them and close the door in the hallway, take a shower and re-approach Sundance. She's at least not hissing at me, though she looks none-too-pleased with me. I call a friend, who I remember told me she had the same problem with the cats, and she says to bathe them both and use the same towel to dry them, so they'll smell the same.

I decide to torture Butch first, which proves to be a mistake b/c now I smell like him again and Sundance is having none of it. I couldn't even get close enough to pick her up and put her in the tub. So alas, I had to separate them for the day while I was gone and put two sets of litter, food and water out for them. Oy vey, I say!! The vet says to put a little dab of vanilla extract on them both (under the nose and just above their butts under the tail) to get them to just smell that on each other. SO Chris got the lovely job of coming home from work, bathing Sundance and putting extract on them both. His reward? A hissing cat!! It's almost laughable if it weren't so annoying and on some level upsetting. I hope they get over it quickly b/c their best friends and it makes me sad to see them mad at each other. Can't we all get along?!!


daryn said...

Oh no! Consider this some sympathy from another kitty momma. Poor little guys! (I know one's a girl, but still.) Sending you good kitty wishes for Butch to feel better and for Sundance to become unpossessed!!

Finley and Hanson send kitten kisses to Butch and Sundance!

Twofrogs said...

Awww. I hope they get over it once Butch is in the house for a while and starts smelling normal.
Whem my cats used to fight I would lock them in an encolsed space together, hoping they would be forced to bond and get over it, but I realize now that was probably not the best (or most humane) idea.