Friday, March 20, 2009

Obama's un-PC comment - oh, the horror!

Okay, here's the thing....I'm watching President Obama on Jay Leno last night, and the minute he made the off-hand comment about the Special Olympics I just knew it would become a big deal. An in my opinion, it shouldn't be. He was making an off-hand joke about how he's not good at bowling and it's a reference I've heard many many people use in their lifetime - at some point, probably myself included. But it's so sad that this is what people are focusing on after watching him instead of talking about what he did or didn 't say about the economy. Let's instead focus on the fact that he avoided Jay's question about Congress getting to decide who to tax higher than others with their own discretion (this is in regards to the AIG bonuses).

Nooo, instead let's all get sucked back into the typical way we've been doing things, which is to focus on a tiny comment instead of trying to appreciate the big picture. Do we really have nothing else going on right now in this country that we need to make an issue of this? Let's speak up and make a big deal every time someone anywhere is totally offended by an off-hand remark. Let's have the media talk about it for days instead of the President just issuing a brief apology and then moving on. Which, btw, he did before the show even aired! He called the Head of the Special Olympics and apologized. The guy accepted and said he was great about it. Should be over!!Oy! It so frustrates me! Weren't we more offended as a nation by having a moron in the White House for 8 years that killed Americans under false pretenses? Come on people!


Unknown said...

And to top it all off, his middle name is Hussein, and his last name rhymes with Osama...he MUST be a terrorist in disguise.

Tami said...

haha. he's totally a special needs-hating terrorist in disguise!

hmmm....Do you think the FBI picks up on sarcasm when they monitor stuff like this?

Twofrogs said...

I couldn't agree with you more on this post. Sometimes I think that 24 hour news networks are detroying this country. And sometimes I think that all ratings based news is destroying this company. Whoops.