Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year!!

So I figured with the start of 2011 and all the resolution making going on, I'd start blogging again. But before I get to all my intended do's and dont's of the year, a brief recap:

Top 5 Highlights:
Hawaii in March for Nick and Lil's wedding.
Both of us turning 30!! (Mara's surprise visit and our Vegas celebration in July with friends.)
Brownie reunion in Denver in August.
South Korea trip in December for me!
Holidays back east with friends, family and snow!

Bummer moments:
DREAM ON getting halted b/c of budget issues.
Salary woes at the company.
Chris & I postponing our Oktoberfest trip.
Getting bronchitis in the fall.
April's discontent. ('nuff said)

Looking ahead to 2011:
1) Work harder - Get back into mega-reading mode/finish personal projects.
2) Get back down to my fighting weight - Get over knee impediments and gym it 4-5/week.
3) Feel less social schedule guilt - You can only do what you can do. Don't sacrifice work/gym time b/c feel badly not seeing people as often as I want.
4) Frugal! If we want to take our big trips, make with less. Don't impulsively buy random crap.
5) Be more aggressive with contacts - both in making more and pushing them on development projects.

Hope everyone has a happy, healthy new year!

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