Thursday, December 31, 2009

Movie Update

So over the last week or so, I saw SHERLOCK HOLMES (really enjoyed!), YOUNG VICTORIA (um, beautiful and well-acted but hello- can we allow the threads of conflict to actually GO somewhere?!), BROKEN EMBRACES (i don't pretend to understand Almodovar's subtle messages at all, but it was pretty and well-acted), THE LAST STATION (loved it, surprisingly!), THE WHITE RIBBON (could Haneke please film an ending to one of his movies), and IT'S COMPLICATED (good, not great).

But what i'm really here to discuss is why on God's green Earth is INVICTUS getting so many people kissing its butt and putting it on all these top 10 lists? I mean, come on- Clint Eastwood is NOT a movie-making god. He's made some boring movies - hello, Gran Torino was one of the worst screenplays I've seen in awhile and most of it was poorly acted, in my opinion. CHANGELING was interesting but DEFINITELY flawed. And I'm sorry, but INVICTUS is a snore-fest of the highest order. If it gets nominated for an academy award in place of another movie that deserves the spot, I will be seriously peeved. UGH! I'm really over it. AND btw, I love Matt Damon as people are well aware, but he doesn't deserve a supporting actor nomination for this one at all. Not one bit. Sorry Matteo.

1 comment:

Crooked Grins said...

Tam Tam, I did NOT like the Sherlock. I think they talked so fast to try to make the audience not realize that the story was crap. It's supposed to be a caper. We didn't get to go along for the ride - and if you stopped to think about ONE thing that was said in any of the reveals, then you missed all the rest.

But it wasn't a complete waste for me. I did like the chemistry between RDJ and Jude. I just hope the sequel will actually have a story that they don't have to worry about us trying to follow.

P.S. did someone tell you don't write in complete sentences? RUDE.

Happy New Year!!