Saturday, May 9, 2009

Run for the Boobies

This morning I participated in the Revlon Run/Walk for Women again! (I can't remember if it's my third or fourth time running it!) It's an annual 5K race (or walk) in NY and LA that Revlon sponsors, the intent being to raise money for women's cancer research. Sony sponsors a team each year and the past two years, my friend Darcy and I have done it together. So much nicer to have someone to walk around with at the expo before the race and also to meet up with afterwards. I remember doing it on my own and it's really not as fun.

Anyway, I digress. I love the event because you see men, women and children - all ages too - participating. Many of them wear signs clipped to their shirt, declaring who they are running/walking the event for - many survivors and many victims. It's a pretty emotional event and I always get a bit choked up through the course when I see a young kid with one of those signs on.

I have to say, I haven't been running very much lately b/c of an issue with my knee, and man- 3.2 miles felt a lot farther than I am used to! It made me sad as I crossed the finish line to realize that back in the day, this would have been a warm up for my long run, instead of being my whole one. But the good news is that I am seeing a doctor (finally, I know, I know!) this week about my knee. Hopefully I'll figure out what the issue is and find a way to fix it so I can be running again. I love spinning and the stairs, but it's just not the same as a good run!

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