Friday, October 31, 2008

Oct 31 - the day you're allowed to dress like a slut

HAPPY HALLOWEEN! I have always loved dressing up for Halloween and while I'm not blaming my new husband for my lackluster feelings this year, I will say it's hard to get excited about the holiday when the person you're living with pretends it doesn't exist. Sigh.

Even if I were going to dress up this year, I imagine I'd be too inclined to be a vampire from the Twilight books and I'm trying to downplay "I'm a 28 year-old married lady obsessed with a teen romance series" angle at the moment. Whatever, it's awesmoe.

Favorite costume (as an adult) ever? Dressing up as Sydney Bristow from ALIAS in 2003 with Jennie, Harrison and Rebekka. Shout-out bitches! That was a great night, except that I had to spray paint the wig pink that year and by the end of the night, it was flaking off and getting into my contacts. I had to be rushed home before we reached calamity level....see a theme to this blog? Yup, I'm a loser.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Wow....Am I exposing myself as a loser now?

So here I am....talking to myself on the computer and starting a blog. I feel stupid for worrying that I'm going to get made fun of for having the blog, especially when I really control who finds out that I'm even doing this, but I must say that Mara's blog has inspired me. I get very excited every time I check to see if she's posted something new and I think it must be a nice way to remember what you've done and have an opportunity to go back and check it all out.

So please bear with me as this is all new.....

The honeymoon's over....just literally. I'm back at work now for almost two weeks since we returned from Costa Rica. And thank goodness this week's been much busier at work than last. Coming back from the trip and feeling useless at the office last week wasn't the best feeling I'd ever had. It was the first time I ever experienced the "what am I doing with my life?" moment. I've quickly gotten over it and delved back into my job head first, but still, that moment shook me a bit. I wondered if there was some version of myself teaching high school or staying at home with my kids out there in another life. But having recovered from that momentary out-of-body experience, I am back where I want to be 100%.

Back to work, back to reading the Twilight series again at night before I fall asleep. I'm going to write another post all about them, about what makes me crazy for them and why I am no longer ashamed. But for tonight, I think I'm just going to let this be a brief "hello and I'm here!"
I just hope I don't disappoint.